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how to upload a onedrive file to facebook using iphone

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If you've got an Role 365 account (complimentary or paid), then you've got OneDrive, Microsoft's cloud storage app. Cloud storage is smashing for sharing files with other people, so allow'due south run across how it works in OneDrive.

You tin can share OneDrive files from either the OneDrive folder on your figurer (the "customer interface"), or the Part 365 spider web interface, or the OneDrive mobile app. Which method is best depends on your state of affairs and preference, simply Microsoft is pushing its cloud offerings strongly, and that prioritization shows in the OneDrive interface. Not to be too blunt almost information technology, but the Part 365 web interface and OneDrive app are much prettier and more than refined than the client interface. The client interface also has at to the lowest degree seven dissimilar ways of sharing, some of which are hangovers from ways of sharing things in older versions of Windows. For those reasons, we'll concentrate here on sharing through the OneDrive app and OneDrive web interface.

Sharing (and Unsharing) a File Through the Mobile OneDrive App

Microsoft has manifestly put some effort into its OneDrive app because the sharing option is simple and comprehensive. We'll be using the Android app for our examples here, but the iOS app is similar. We'll point out when at that place are significant differences.

To share a file (or folder), tap the three dots side by side to it.

The 3 dots that display the file options

Tap "Share" from the bill of fare that appears.

The Share option

This opens the sharing options. By default, OneDrive allows the people you share a file with to edit that file. You can alter that to view-only by tapping the pointer next to "Can edit" and changing it to "Can view" instead. You lot as well can "Prepare Decease Date," which ways that the file volition only be shared for a specific period.

The sharing options

Note: On the iPhone or iPad mobile app, these work a bit differently. You'll see a "View Only" link on the share carte to disable editing. You'll see a "Link Settings" pick that lets you set up an expiration engagement.

link settings and view only buttons on iOS

Once you've set these options every bit you want (or just left them with the defaults), y'all can share your file. At the elevation of the sharing options are the default OneDrive sharing options.

The main ways of sharing

These provide the following sharing methods:

  • Copy Link: Creates a URL and copies information technology to the clipboard for you to paste wherever y'all like. This link tin be used by anyone.
  • InvitePeople: Sends a link to i or more e-mail addresses that you select from your contacts or enter manually. This link tin can only be used past the people y'all transport it to.
  • SendFiles: Allows the file to exist sent to someone. You can send the file using email, or any other communication app on your phone like Slack or WhatsApp. Different "Copy link" or "Invite people," which provide a link for people to click, this will send a copy of the file. Links can exist "unshared" whenever you want, just once yous transport someone the file, they tin continue it forever, then only employ this if you don't heed the recipient getting to go along the file.
  • Outlook: If you've got Outlook on your phone, this volition open up an e-mail with the link in it for yous to send to someone.

Below these options are every app and method your telephone provides for sharing a file, whether that'southward Slack, WhatsApp, Betoken, LINE, Twitter, Facebook, Bluetooth, WiFi Straight, email, or whatsoever other app you lot've got installed. Tap the appropriate icon and follow the instructions to share the file.

To unshare a file, tap the 3 dots adjacent to it and click the information icon.

This volition bring up the file properties and show who y'all've shared the file with at the bottom.

The people you've shared the file with

Click the "Tin edit" link (or "Tin can view" if you shared the file as view-only) and select "Stop sharing" from the menu that pops up. Click "OK" to end sharing the file.

The Stop sharing radio button

Sharing (and unsharing) a File Through the O365 Web Interface

Sign into Office 365 and navigate to OneDrive.

The O365 app launcher and app tiles

Select the file you want to share and click "Share" in the menu bar at the top.

The Share button on the menu bar

This will brandish the sharing options for the file, and they're pretty similar to the OneDrive app—the default sharing choice is to let people to edit a file you share with them and yous can set an expiration date if you only want the file to be shared for a specific catamenia of time

The sharing options in OneDrive

An selection which is only available in the OneDrive web interface is to password protect the file past clicking "Prepare password". This means that when you create and send out a link to the file, a person will only be able to open the link if they've got the password. For the security conscious this is a useful feature, and definitely worth using if you're got something sensitive to share.

The 2 primary options for sending the link are "Get a link" and "E-mail."

  • Get a link: Creates a link you can re-create and paste wherever you desire. This link will work for anyone who has it.
  • E-mail: Opens up a web post containing the link, where you lot can enter ane or more email addresses and a message. This link volition just work for people accessing it using the email addresses you specify.

Click "More than" to show specific services you can share in. At the fourth dimension of writing these services are limited to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Weibo and when you click one of them a new window opens for you to sign into that service and post the link. Why Microsoft has chosen these four services is a thing of theorize, although they own LinkedIn, and Facebook, Twitter and Weibo probably hold accounts betwixt them for a decent clamper of the internet-going population, just why four apps and not five, or half-dozen, or more? We're not sure, just if you desire to share a file in a unlike app then click "Get a link" and paste the link into the app of your selection.

To unshare a file, select it and click the information icon in the top right of the OneDrive folio.

The information button for the file

This will bring upward the file properties. Click "Manage access" to run into who you lot've shared the file with.

The Manage access link

A list of sharing links volition be displayed, showing who can access the file and what permissions they accept.

The sharing links that have been created

To change the permissions, such as making an editable file view-only or calculation password protection, click the arrow underneath the link. To stop sharing the file, click the "10" adjacent to the link. A alarm message volition pop up.

The delete warning dialogue

Click "Remove link" to stop sharing the file. This will only remove this link, so if you want to stop sharing the file completely, you'll accept to remove all the sharing links yous've created for it.


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