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Fun Facts About Beef Cattle for Young Kids

Beef is a staple of American mealtime. Nutritious. Succulent. It is Americana on a plate. Producing beef requires the dedication of farmers and ranchers across the United States, and proper management of grazing animals can rebuild the health of pastures and rangelands.

Since 1945, Noble Research Establish has supported farmers and ranchers in fostering land stewardship, improving the soil and producing one of the world's favorite foods.

In award of Noble's 75 years, below are 75 facts nearly beef.

Share This: 75 Beef Facts - 91% of beef farms and ranches are family-owned or individually operated.

Red, White and Beef

  1. There are more than than 800,000 ranchers and cattle producers in the U.Southward.
  2. One-tertiary of all U.S. farms and ranches include cattle.
  3. Beefiness cattle are raised in all 50 states.
  4. The top v states with the well-nigh beef cows are Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Nebraska and South Dakota.
  5. As of Jan. 1, 2020, at that place were 94.4 million head of cattle in the U.South. herd. That's more than than the populations of California, Texas, Florida and Mississippi combined.
  6. 91% of beefiness farms and ranches are family-owned or individually operated.
  7. The average farm size in 2017 was 441 acres.
  8. The average herd size in 2017 was 43.5.
  9. Pasture and rangeland correspond 41% of state usage in the U.Due south.
  10. Cattle and calves made up nearly 40% of cash receipts for animals and animal products in 2018.

Theodore Roosevelt

A Global Presence

Rancher on horse back with cattle

  1. U.Due south. farmers and ranchers produce eighteen% of the globe's beefiness with only eight% of the earth'due south cattle.
  2. Nihon, South Korea and Mexico are the peak importers of U.S. beef.
  3. The U.Southward. ranked fourth in the world for corporeality of beef eaten per capita, at 79.3 pounds, in 2016.
  4. Ahead of the U.Southward. in beefiness consumption per capita are Uruguay (124.2 pounds), Argentina (120.2 pounds) and Hong Kong (114.3 pounds).

Share This: 75 Beef Facts - The carbon footprint of a unit of beef produced decreased by 16% from 1977 to 2007.

Beef on the Dinner Plate

  1. Every day, 76 meg Americans consume beefiness.
  2. They swallow, on average, 112 pounds of beef per yr.
  3. In 2018, U.S. consumers purchased 26.7 billion pounds of beef at foodservice and retail locations.
  4. 70% of food service operators say that steak on the menu increases traffic.
  5. The nearly popular beef products include ground beef, ribeye steak, strip steak and t-os steak.


  1. Beef is ane of the almost important dietary sources of atomic number 26. You'd take to eat three cups of raw spinach in order to get the same corporeality of iron in 1 3-ounce serving of beef.
  2. Information technology'due south also a source for other nutrients our bodies need, including protein, B vitamins, zinc, selenium, niacin, phosphorus, riboflavin and choline.

It's Non All Steak

  1. More than 98% of a beef animal is used.
  2. threescore% of a beef animal goes to make products other than meat.
  3. One cowhide tin can make 18 soccer balls or 20 footballs.
  4. Medical products, like insulin and drugs used to assistance the torso take organ transplants, are fabricated from cattle.

Gummy Bears

  1. Other products that may be made from cattle include candles, paintbrushes, deodorant, dish soap and toilet papers.

Share This: 75 Beef Facts - A 1% increase in soil organic matter can help the soil hold about 20,000 gallons of additional water per acre.

Cows Are Amazing Creatures

Cattle grazing

  1. All "cows" are female. Earlier a female has a calf, she is called a heifer. She becomes a cow after giving birth. Males are called bulls or steers.
  2. The gestation period for a moo-cow, or the amount of fourth dimension she is pregnant, is nine months — the same as a human.
  3. Calves weigh approximately 80 pounds at birth.
  4. A cow tin scent odors from up to 6 miles away.
  5. They only have a bottom set of teeth, which helps them consume grass.
  6. And they accept a rough, sandpaper-like natural language.

Share This: 75 Beef Facts - In 2018, U.S. Consumers purchased 26.7 billion pound of beef at foodservice and retails locations.

Ruminating Grazers

  1. All cattle spend about of their lives eating grasses and other forages on grazing lands.
  2. They can consume about xl pounds of food a day.

A Cow's Rumen Stomach

  1. The ruminant digestive system enables a cow to acquire nutrients from grasses, which humans cannot. Other ruminants include sheep, deer and buffalo.
  2. Equally a ruminant, a cow digests plants by repeatedly regurgitating and chewing it upward again. A cow "chews its cud" for about eight hours a solar day.

Beefiness Through History

  1. Cows were get-go domesticated about 10,000 years ago.
  2. The antecedent of domesticated cattle is thought to be the at present-extinct auroch, a horned, wild ox that was black and stood vi feet alpine at the shoulder.
  3. Spaniards brought the first cattle to the Americas in the late 15th and early 16th centuries.
  4. Cattle were first brought to Jamestown, in what is now Virginia, from England in 1611, co-ordinate to the writings of John Smith.
  5. Colonists were raising enough cattle past the 1630s that they no longer needed to rely on imported cattle from Europe.

Photograph Credit: Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division1904 World's Fair

  1. You could purchase a hamburger for just 5 cents in 1921 and 12 cents in 1950.

Photograph Credit: Ken Wolter / Shutterstock.comWhite Castle

  1. Today's beef producers use 33% fewer cattle to produce the same amount of beef that they did in the 1970s. The manufacture uses natural resources much more efficiently today.

Reducing Environmental Touch on

  1. U.S. beef represents but ii% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, but work continues to be washed to improve.
  2. According to a study comparing beef production in 1977 to 2007, each pound of beef is produced with 20% less feedstuffs and ix% less fossil fuel energy.
  3. The carbon footprint of a unit of beefiness produced decreased by 16% from 1977 to 2007.

Cow drinking from trough

  1. The U.Southward. beef industry continued to reduce water by 3% from 2005 to 2011.

Share This: 75 Beef Facts - Pasture and rangeland represent 41% of land usage in the U.S.

Growing on Grazing Lands


  1. Nearly 85% of U.South. grazing lands are unsuitable for producing crops.
  2. Rangelands naturally evolved with the presence of fire and grazing, making them processes that the land continues to demand today.
  3. Ane acre of rangeland or pasture may have about 1,000 pounds of standing plant mass and as much as 3,500 pounds of roots below footing, in the height pes of soil.
  4. Information technology takes 2,000 years for natural processes to make x centimeters of fertile soil. That's why it's so important to protect the soil from erosion and other degradation.

Hands holding soil

Building Organic Matter

  1. The bawdy smell of a biologically healthy and active soil is the presence of an organic compound called geosmin.

Teaspoon of soil

  1. Healthy soil with high levels of organic matter can store twenty times its weight in water, co-ordinate to the Food and Agriculture Organization.
  2. A one% increase in soil organic matter can aid the soil hold most 20,000 gallons of additional water per acre.
  3. Increased water-property capacity reduces the need to use water for irrigation and improves the country's resiliency in drought.

75 Beef Facts - U.S. Farmers and ranchers produce 18% of the world's beef with only 8% of the world's cattle.

Capturing Carbon

  1. Researchers say more carbon resides in soil (2,500 billion tons) than in the atmosphere (800 billion tons) and all constitute/animal life (560 billion tons) combined.
  2. Grazing lands sequester about 30% of Globe's carbon puddle, co-ordinate to a Global Modify Biology
  3. Increasing soil organic matter in pastures and rangelands will help reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide. By creating carbon sinks — natural reservoirs that can agree carbon — we can reduce the greenhouse effect and tedious atmospheric warming.

Cattle in pasture near a windmill

A Dwelling house for Wildlife

Birds flying above a pond

  1. The nearly important considerations when managing the 2 together are habitat and cattle stocking rate.
  2. 1 California-based report published in Conservation Biology plant that cattle grazing plays an important part in maintaining wetland habitat necessary for some endangered species.

Elk in pasture


  • Beefiness Information technology's What's for Dinner
  • Cattlemen's Beef Board
  • Conservation Biology
  • Subcontract Bureau
  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United nations
  • Kansas Farm Food Connection
  • National Cattlemen'south Beef Association
  • Due south Dakota State Academy Extension
  • The U.Due south. Sustainability Alliance
  • University of California, Davis
  • Academy of Nebraska
  • U.Southward. Department of Agriculture
  • U.Due south. Meat Consign Federation
  • U.S. Roundtable for Beef Sustainability


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